AlDyar AlArabiya Launches the Dyar AlHaram Sales Center at Masar Destination in Makkah

In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, AlDyar AlArabiya proudly announces the opening of the Sales Center & Showroom for Dyar AlHaram in Makkah, located at the heart of Masar Destination, a pioneering development that reinforces Makkah’s position as a fully integrated urban hub.
The Sales Center & Showroom serves as a key destination for visitors, offering a unique experience through the fully furnished demo unit, which showcases the final design and quality of the residential units within the project. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the exceptional craftsmanship and premium finishes that define Dyar AlHaram, as well as participate in guided tours to view the project’s progress. As the first development to be delivered within Masar Destination, this milestone reflects AlDyar AlArabiya’s commitment to delivering world-class real estate projects with the highest standards of quality and excellence.

AlDyar AlArabiya Partners with “Mirkaz AlBalad AlAmeen” During Ramadan to Promote Sustainable Development in Makkah

AlDyar AlArabiya: A Strategic Sponsor for “AlMirkaz” During Ramadan