تخرج من جامعة واشنطن- سياتل، في العام 1986 بدرجة بكالوريوس في إدارة الأعمال (المالية)، وبدأ حياته المهنية مع إحدى شركات المحاسبة الأربع الكبرى حيث عمل في مجال التدقيق والاستشارات الإدارية.
ثم اتجه إلى مجال العقارات في السنوات الـ25 التي تلتها في مجال إدارة الممتلكات والاستثمارات والتطوير العقاري ضمن شركات عقارية رائدة.
كما يتمتع السيد أنيس بخبرة وتخصصية عالية كونه عمل في 6 دول وحصد الخبرات التي ساعدته على تقديم الأفضل في الشركات التي عمل فيها.
Marwan Al Saqaf has been with Aldyar Alarabiya for more than 15 years in the fields of corporate operations management and project management. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration 2010 and also a Master’s degree in Business Administration from San Francisco State University
Mohammed Alansari has over 9 years of experience in Sales with different aspects B2B and B2C with results-driven in Real estate, FMCG and Manufacturing fields.
He applies his knowledge of business, in-depth sales strategies and exceptional sales methodologies to consulting his customers choose the right product with maintaining their needs and ROI needed.
Mohammed earned his Bachelor of Marketing degree from the University of Wolverhampton, UK.
Tarek has over 21 years of experience in the field of architectural design, coordination, team management, construction and real estate with over 19 years were spent in the Gulf Region.
He is responsible for the designing of many different types of architectural projects with a keen eye for detail and a deep passion for his craft, and through experience is preparing and developing the ideas, taking the project through all stages until completion aligned with working in teams and enjoys taking leads and going full throttle.
He has a B.S. in Architecture (Faculty of Engineering), Alexandria University – 2002
Mohammed Alsalahi has 16 years of experience in key Finance positions at Aldyar Alarabiya and its subsidiaries.
After graduating in 2005 with a degree in Finance from the University of Amman, Jordan, Mohammed joined Aldyar, rising to Accounts Manager in 2015, before being promoted to Finance Manager in 2020.
As our Head of Legal, Abdulrahim’s role is significant in executing our business ventures as well working with various government authorities.
He has worked in both construction and property development at 3 leading companies in Saudi Arabia for more than 2 decades.
A valued member of our Management team, Abdulrahim graduated in 1993 with a degree in law from Cairo University.
Anis graduated in 1986 with a degree in Business Administration (Finance) from the University of Washington, Seattle.
He began his career with one of the Big 4 accounting firms, where he worked in Audit and Management Consulting.
He switched to a career in real estate for the next 25 years, with functional responsibility in property management, property investments and property development with leading real estate firms.
He considers himself blessed having worked in 6 countries, having gained experience and contributed to the firms he worked at.